
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

That Gloomy Day!

They met on a gloomy day to finally bid a farewell.

A chilly day of Delhi winters, no sun shine, drizzle falling, moist eyes, crying hearts but still she smiled once in a while. She smiled because he loved it. He adored sparkle in her eyes, she adored his giggles all this while. If one was upset the other was too, if one of them smiled it transferred to the other pretty soon. There was a need of that pleasant feel. There was a sense of physical, mental and emotional presence. There was love, expression, compassion and fights too. They were way to many differences, but they thought they are meant to be celebrated soon. Then what was wrong? why the farewell?

People said 'it's just the fault in your stars'.

Today, was different. They met, however the excitement of seeing each other, poking, irritating & being naughty with each other, was missing. Today, was different as they had issues to discuss, things to be sorted, some fights to end and the much dark weather just complimented them. Everyone else around them however seem to enjoy it. They both crossed young couples exchanging their body warmth and enjoying the chills. Both were reminded of their own days. When even such gloomy days used to brighten up when they held hands, when they just exchanged a glimpse of each other and yes not to forget when she smiled for him and he held her tight. But, today was different. She quietly sat in a corner of a amphitheatre, he shouted, she cried her heart out. Then she complained and he responded with wet eyes, she felt some pain in her chest, the cold was now no more pleasing he dint know what to do, but in the corner of her heart she wished he did something at least.

They both got up, walked as fast as they could, she was faster this time. The rain was hitting hard they looked for shade to protect themselves and before they knew they were stuck in a stampede. People were pushing them from all the sides, wetness and chaos is all what they felt. She felt like crying more, she felt uneasy and was unable to breathe. But she held him tight! She held him tight thinking probably its the last time. He in return made moves which made her relax in that crowd. He struggled hard without hurting others to make her breathe if not more. On the other hand she did not mind falling on him, taking his support, being one with him. After her father it was him who made
her feel protected this way. She knew that thousands of people in the stampede wont hurt her, she had full faith on him.They both held each other tight, he motivated her and pushing the crowd they were out and could breathe at last.

But, not to forget, today was different. Different because they had to say goodbye. Goodbye to uncountable memories, sensitizing touches, ignited chemistry, endless talks, future plans, surprising moves, random pings, awaited phone calls, unexpected fights, memorable city tours, unmeasurable love, different expressions and most importantly Geeta ka Gyaan (lessons from Geeta). I am sure after writing this post hundred other things will knock my mind which did not make it to the list but were special to both souls chatting away over a hot cup of coffee.

Goodbye, because it was time to move on or rather move away from each other. If not mentally than at least physically. If not emotionally than at least formally. Indeed it was hard, today was different as their eyes spoke more than words, their silence spoke more than their actions, their throat choked countless times. But they had to do it. As night approached they looked deeply in each others eyes for the last time before they said the final goodbye!

Do they still hope to meet again?
They dont know that. All they know is, that, now they want to see life unfold itself .

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