
Sunday, September 11, 2016

The death of two puppies

Some incidents just stick to the mind and become very basis of a part of your character. In this regard, an incident comes to my mind. It was about two baby pups getting crushed by a car. I  can't recall my age but should be less than 10 years old then.

I was freely roaming outside my home and must be wondering about some things of nature when I suddenly heard a loud shrill of dogs, a sound made by them when they are hit by stone or a stick or bitten by other dogs. (Street dogs are not so uncommon in India, so I suppose the sound is not unclear. ) I went to the source of the sound.

The damage had been already done. The driver of the car possibly didn't realise that it's not a stone that he has taken his car over, but were two live puppies, and rode the rear wheels of the car as well over them. The pups made sound for a few moments, then I saw blood coming out of their mouths. It was not that I had seen blood for the first time, but live running blood was the first incident. It did not scare me, but made me inquisitive for sure. In a few moments, the two pups became like statues, like any other dead street dog I would see on the road.

What made impact on my mind was, their mother! She wouldn't let the sweeper take away the pups' bodies. She held the sweeper's clothes and stretched it to the extent that the sweeper feared that her clothes would tear if she dared move a step towards the pups. The two dead bodies remained there till I was there. The driver of the car realised that he has run over two baby animals; he slowed down for a moment, looked at the statues, and then went away to his work.

The mother dog didn't show her grief, or anger. She just didn't let anyone go near her pups. I had not seen emotion in animals before this. I was scared away by dogs twice before this incident, but i never felt that was because animals have anger as emotion. I just thought they are there to kill and bite bad guys. ''That's why people write beware of dogs'', i used to think.

But i love those creatures anyways (though there are serious hygiene issues associated with them, but who cares when you are a child ). 

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