A new political party arising out of rubble; a party whose members have never experienced political activism before in their lives; a political party which arose against the semi permanent leadership options from which the people had to choose their representative. Now the party's image is slowly getting tarnished and the group of people that arose in spirit and strength against the might of powerful people so ritualistically nurtured to become the rulers by the people, that group is slowly getting diluted in numbers.

The AAP party getting phenomenal share of votes in Delhi Legislative Assembly elections indicated quite prominently that people are fed up of the existing democratic process and want something more, some process from which the daily dissatisfaction from the government is vanished and more progress at grassroot levels is visible. During election campaigning, the AAP focussed specifically on people centric issues and reached at micro level solutions to issues, something that common masses in delhi were able to identify with themselves. BJP and Congress parties were hardly doing campaigning of that level. Congress had already given up as its credibility had forgone long since the scams reports emerged in front of the public. And BJP was neither finding a good candidate to stand against Kejriwal, nor was there any quality campaigning that people may get impressed from.
BJP and Congress, two major national parties of India sensed an imminent danger to their existence in form of AAP; a threat that would snatch the power from long time power holders belonging to these well established parties and gives that power to common masses, those very common masses which have hardly any time or mind to care for the events other than their daily bread and family. If AAP, which at the time of its formation stood for honesty, justice, truth and such righteous principles, becomes a success, i.e. is able to secure the trust of people throughout its 5 years of office stay, the foundation on which the BJP and Congress have been standing erect would no longer be strong. The people blinded by power of politicians and mesmerised by the glory and stature of these party leaders will then be shifting their eyes to this new political party having members least concerned for their political careers and more focused on delivering.
BJP saw that it has 5 years to change the perception about AAP in common masses' minds. Preying on every single mistake of amateur politicians, catching the weakness of middle class politicians and exploiting them periodically, like making order for arrest of delhi MLAs is a strategy which is right now benefitting BJP more than any other party, as the hopes of a better political party are being shattered and next in line left at national level is only BJP. Congress is a dormant party, infected by incompetencies of its leadership, hence does not surface higher.
How the political parties other than AAP have been doing, I can think of a few observations:
- Shiela Dixit, the former CM of delhi, accused of corruption during CWG games, was being filed FIR against by AAP government, as a part of its election manifesto implementation. She was soon made governor of kerala by the central government, thus preventing her from arrest or criminal proceedings against her.
- DGCA files raid from CM's office by CBI. Some files went missing and no news about the missing files...DGCA had a BJP prominent leader as its major office bearer role, and DGCA was accused of high level corruption
- Lieutenant General and Chief Minister's tussle over power. Though constitutionally the LG prevails, but decisions of AAP government on any sensitive issue is mostly, if not always, discarded.
- Jokes on Kejriwal as an agenda to malign the CM's image of being a sensible human. The jokes portray him as a maverick not listening to anyone else and just doing work according to his whims and fancies.
- Periodic arrests of AAP MLAs, an arrest in normal middle class families is a big thing and shatters the image of a person and plays deamon to his self confidence in front of the families surrounding him.
- Booby trap of AAP Minister showcased on TV channels, so that people's perception about AAP, if good gets worse
- portraying AAP leaders as anti social and immoral
Aam aadmi party, which got birth out of an upheaval, out of the masses themselves, is losing the trust of the masses only. The masses are losing faith in themselves indirectly, and naturally the losing of faith in oneself results in his downfall. The AAP party hence should urgently undertake some activity as its image control measures otherwise the poison of malign that has already started affecting its stature and if not treated quickly will infect the whole party body badly.