
Sunday, December 28, 2014

When she wished for …Time to STOP

They met like just another day,
Something was different, probably the strong sun rays.

The year was about to end,
They kept reminding themselves of the dryness ahead.

Holding hands they reached the top and dreamt of a special land,
They named it, they saw it right there in the sand.

Something was different,
As ruins suddenly had life in them,
Wildness appeared much calmer,
Weeds around felt soft like never before,
Their heart beats sunk in rhythm like never before.

Something was different,
Interruptions dint matter anymore,
Familiarity with strangers grew a little more,
Loneliness was lost elsewhere,
As he sang in whispers coming close somewhere.

She sensed the tickles, the warmth, the intimacy,
She felt complete for a while,
She feared endearment as dryness was around the corner,
She wished time to STOP for a while...

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