
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Unity in diversity!!! ???

It's disturbing to see one's country engulfed in conflicts even after 64 years, when it was created. The aforementioned sentence is not so uncommon. Every now and then there is one or other citizen or otherwise expressing his grief in this manner. India is world's largest democracy. But does a democracy work the way it is working in India ? People are repressed, officials are bribed, trust in government is no more deep, development always running after degradation in the race.

New father of Indian democracy, Anna Hazare, believes in the principles of democracy, or democracy as wished by people the time it was created. He wants those rules/ principles come alive from those pages hidden in books gathering dust in some unknown shelf of a remote library. He wats the government to know that it is because of the people. People are not dumb. Government is not their God; it is their servant; it is just a part of democracy. It is not the democracy itself. The fight between civil society, ramdev, govt should not have happened. In fact the agitation by anna should not have sprouted. It should never have been 'us vs them'.

64 years an we have still not united.

What is the main requirement of a democracy ? It is the people. It is the rule by people. People are the ones who decide the future of their nation. They make the decision who they will select for their benefit. No one is blind here to the deeds of any govt. They keep an account of pro people and anti popular decisions and decide the fate of govt in the next elections. Hence no govt in immune to losing power. The government must always have people's trust running through their veins. These are not new ideas. Everywhere idealistic thought declares the same set of principles of democracy. Hardly anywhere are they thoroughly pursued. Though idealism can never be achieved, it should always be aimed.

(to be contd...)

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