
Monday, December 31, 2018

An old year goes, new year comes!

A day will come when we will also leave our bodies along with our past. I wonder many times how much new we will become then :)
There should be some bundle of identity that we may take with ourselves. May be not. Anyways, the thought is more often exciting than dreadful.
Like everyone waits for their turn, we all shall also wait for shedding off our loads. Till then, an assumption that our load is temporary will help us walk long long way! :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Unmarried yet Unhappy

So ironic some people's lives are. Just talk to them if they are married, and that is just sufficient to make them erupt lava, however cool they behave in front of people.

Look at the married people and see how happy they are. Everyone is having a stuggle to go through and every patient man or woman is having a hard time holding on to this virtue.

Unmarried people / unhappy people, you are not alone. There are 7 billion people and innumerable species on the same plane as you. Have courage to go along.
