I have been fortunate to have lived among some of the brightest minds of the country, though just for a small period of time. There were saintly geniuses as well as aggressive winners in my college. There were some who rose to sky after falling into deep shit due to their carelessness, and yet some of them fell deep into troubles from their cheerful state. In midst of this all, I spent some very defining parts of my life. These minds continue to inspire me to reach to the top and never give up, as they have still been doing.
However, college life doesn't last forever and real state of a human is 'survival'. He will do anything for it. Topics like intellect and humility don't matter to them generally unless it fetches them money. Simplicity matters to them when the simple person has already proven himself through his power. Purity and ethics bother negligible number of minds if no greed or ambition is associated with them.
How in a resource crunch situation, a man changes himself and cares only for himself! I was ready after college to give up my new job to go prepare for civil services but my father said that it is important to first make your state good before taking care of others' state. I did take his advice seriously, but only after sometime did I realise that the minds are not the same. They are clever, shrewd, sometimes wicked as well, thirsty for recognition and drunk in superiority. May be this is a regional observation and can not be applied generally. The harsh truth that I realised is 'situation of survival makes you an animal'. Survival in job, survival in business, survival of life... the animal in you saves yourself from getting vanished. It fights for you and brings you back from death, to go for another survival challenge. That animal, however, can not take care of anyone else but the body owner. That animal is called Self of the person. Other people are demolished because of it. The self doesn't care about all. This animal never needed to appear in my colleagues or profs in my college days. But real world teaches differently. I concluded that I have to live along with these great as well as no great minds for the rest of my life.
My camaraderie is spread out in different parts of the world and most likely would still be spreading goodness to the world, or some of them would have also become victims of 'survival'. But certainly, the old time is gone, and it won't come again...
All you have is the present time to make better than old time :)